Wednesday, December 26, 2007

132) Christmas

Christmas was very enjoyable. I was very happy to see and talk with my aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents! I don’t remember a lot about last Christmas, but one thing I do remember is the wish that I was at my grandparent’s house with all my relatives. That is something that has stayed constant about Christmas for as long as I can remember, and in a big way is Christmas for me. So it was really great to see everyone, and enjoy the evening, and do some much needed catching up!


The Karg Family said...

Great pictures. I haven't seen that side of the family for so long. Everyone looks so different, but yet still the same. Did you take any more of the cousins?

tonight at noon said...

good on you kyle... glad you were able to have a christmas with your family... i don't want to be anywhere else but home next year... i've had enough of the christmas/or lack there of, in korea. as always, some real nice shots, too.