Wednesday, December 12, 2007

129) Home

I just got home last night, after an extremely hectic last week in Korea. I had no idea my last week would be so insane, and as a result I wasn’t able to say good-bye to, and do half the other things I needed to do. Anyways, in the end, the flights weren’t too bad at all, and I got some good seats, but not much sleep. My mom and brother picked me up from the airport in a limo, and it was nice to see about 6 inches of snow on the ground at home.

It felt kind of surreal to be coming home. I had been away from home, and not seen anyone for just over 17 months, so I was ready to be heading home. It’s funny how it seems like not too much has changed around here. Now I have a lot of visiting friends and family to do!

1 comment:

Dave Anjema said...

hey Kyle...too bad never got to see you before you left..hope you're enjoying yourself back home