A whorehouse?!? Most certainly. Dan and I got taken to a whorehouse tonight- which was an odd place to find ourselves (but apparently not too odd). I will explain (mom); not feeling like really going anywhere tonight, we went to sit outside Family Mart again. On the way we saw the Korean man we met last weekend taking a piss on the side of the road (the same guy who bought us the Tequila). We sat down and just talked and stuff, then about 3 minutes later an old man (probably 75) comes stumbling (literally) over and tries to sit down with us (he missed the chair several times before he got it right). He proceeded to speak broken English to us, We think it had something to do with the Korean War. Eventually our Korean friend told him to leave, and get an appointment with us when he was sober. So he stumbled down the road, this man was really not fit to even be walking. After a while it started to rain, so Dan and I took off and were going to find a bar or something. We didn’t find anything and was about to head back to our apartments when we saw Jimmy (right by Family Mart again). He invited us to a bar right near by, which he said was nice, and things would be cheap because we were with him. So we accepted his offer, and the bar was really nice. After a few minutes of being there I commented to Dan that it was nice, and he gave me a look, and said he thought it was a whorehouse/bar. Then I looked around and started to put things together. Our Korean friend encouraged us to talk to the bartender (who was about a 40 year old lady- who apparently “liked me”). Then I started to realize what was going on, and it was made pretty clear that we could “have” these “pretty” ladies (who I don’t feel too bad saying were a bit past their prime). I thought this was hilarious, and was interested to see what was going to come of this (obviously neither Dan nor myself would have done anything with any of the “beauties” at the bar). Eventually he tried to get me to give one of the ladies a kiss- which was hilarious and weird at the same time. Once the ladies got the idea we were not interested, the pretty much left us alone and we got no service at the bar whatsoever. Some piss-drunk man came in and sat in a corner booth (presumably waiting for a girl) and started coughing horribly, it really sounded like he was about to loose a lung. He kept looking at me, so I told our Korean friend- who got really pissed. He proceeded to yell at him and yell “Mother Fuck!”, which no one but Dan and I found bizarre. I think he mentioned he would kill him- at this point I was in a mix of laughter and confusion- eventually a lady went and sat with him. One thing I forgot to mention- Dan had some beers with our friend, and I had a soda (which was purchased at a corner shop shortly after I ordered it for no more than $1). So eventually we decided to leave (Dan and I decided) and we where going to pay the bill. Dan had already laid down the equivilant of 10 dollars (for 5 beers and one soda), but they said he owed 10 more. At this point Jimmy already bailed out, then they said I also owed 5 dollars. I was thinking “what the hell?- and where did our friend go?” And mind you all of this is going on in our broken Korean/English. So I tried to get them to write down everything and how much it all cost- which didn’t work. Then eventually our friend comes back in and asks what is going on, and we inform him that Dan already paid a lot, and now they want me to pay $5 for a soda that they bought across the street. At this point we both knew something was up with our “friend” and this whorehouse/bar. So he speaks something in Korean to them, and told me to pay the 5- so I just threw the money and we left. Then we waited for our “friend” outside to ask him what the hell just happened in there. He never gave us a strait answer, and seemed pretty pissed.
On a totally different note, I have some more pics from school posted. The one with the colorful boarder I took today after kindergarden got let out. Once it gets let out, the kids can go to this play room, and are unsupervised. The other day I went in there to watch them and play, and I noticed that they are just out of control. I saw one kid try to jump off of something, but just ended up smashing his face on the ground. He just laid there and held his face, then got up and started to play. Well luckily for me, today I got a pic of a kid getting kicked in the face! It was actually pretty dang funny, and no one really got hurt as far as I could tell.

That black and white photo of Sean is really good Kyle. He's a funny kid. I have a funny story about him that I'll tell you sometime.
There's some really nice color shots of the city too, tons of stuff I never really took the time to do... it's a trip (no pun) to see the building and city I used to live in from another persons perspective.
Good meeting you yesterday. It's going to be a good trip and I'm sure it'll get a lot better once the roaches have moved the party elsewhere.
So where is the e-mail to me explaining this one? I do not like this story.
That story is so funny. I have a ton just like that!! Good for you for dodging the punches (or taking 'em) and going along with it. Korea is an amazing place for those who are open-minded. Wait til you start meeting the guys who are just straight-up passed out on the sidewalks. COMEDY!!
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