The subways are fairly easy- a bit confusing to me, but then again I have never used a subway before. They are extremely clean, and very cheap- it was about 90 cents one way.

This electronic mall is 8 stories of anything electronic you could want. A lot of it is tiny (such as the computer on the left) and hasn't been released in the US yet, I saw a laptop that was just the screen- it was all touch. They have some awesome technology here, but it is pretty overwhelming- there is just so much stuff. There are floors upon floors of stuff- one floor has cameras and camera equipment, another has cell phones, etc.

A shot of the outside of the Yongsan rail station.

Here is another shot from the outside of the building- some cool art.

This is the plaza in the middle of the mall/rail station. A pretty awesome place, you can see the 8 story electronic mall in the background (the glass building).

We saw these cats on the side of a building on our way back from the mall in Iteawon.
Are you going to feed the cats? Grama Meka would love them!!
AWWWW Kyle! Get some more animal pictures! Are ther any dogs around? Those kitties are SO cute! Can you ship me one?? Maybe they meow in another language! Love, Auntie TT
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