February: surfer heading home, Waikiki, Hawaii

March: Gabe, outside Moab, Utah

April: cherry blossoms, Seoul, Korea

May: special guest DJ, Seoul, Korea

June: Andy hiding behind the curtains at school, Seoul, Korea

July: Angie and Brandy laughing at school, Seoul, Korea

August: me and Gyu-ri at the studio, Seoul, Korea (shot by Nam)

September: me, Seoul, Korea (shot by Nein)

October: a frog on a leaf in a park, Sounyudo Park, Seoul, Korea

November: a maple leaf, Gwanak Mountain, Seoul, Korea

December: Jason smoking a hand-rolled cigarette at the cigar shop, Seoul, Korea

These are what I feel are the best shots from this blog from 2008. Some months, especially when I was on vacation in Hawaii and Utah, were extremely hard to choose just one shot. But here is what I think are the best shots- one per month. They don't necessarily represent typical things from each month, although some (October and November) do. But they represent the diversity of this year in my life. From home to Hawaii to Korea. From lunar eclipses to contrasting moments. From desert landscapes to clubs. From my students to my friends to me.
Love this, Kyle ~ what a great idea!! No pictures of your mother though ... tisk, tisk.
Dang - I didn't mean to post yet.
Anyway, the frog picture is especially beautiful - I have the print you sent me framed and hanging in my office. When I was at the camera store picking out the frame, another customer and the clerk were asking me about the photo - where was it taken, who took it, commented how great of a shot it is. People here at work have commented on it as well ~ it is so pretty blown up ~ I love it!!
Keep taking those pictures ~ they are creating wonderful memories for all of us!
Love ya,
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