Amber is going home tomorrow. It's crazy how fast a year goes by. I remember talking with her about her job, and advising her to just stick it out because she only had six months left. Now I have six months left and she is finished. I am sure my last six will fly by as well.

Near the end of September Amber will move to Hong Kong and teach there for two years. I think it will be a great move for her, and I look forward to visiting her there and checking out that city.

Yesterday David (club manager and promoter) had DJ Charles Feel Good at his club ( http://www.djfeelgood.com/ ) and Amber and I and some other friends had the privilege to hang out with him before he started spinning that night. It's always cool to be able to meet some of the famous DJ's and talk with them, then enjoy the show.

That was a pretty great going away party for Amber, and I think she had a really good night! I will be sad to see Amber go, but I think it is good for her to get out after a year, and move on to another city. So many people get trapped because of comfort zones and fear, but I am

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