Sorry for the pause in posts, I had some computer problems. Luckily it turns out it was nothing serious, and apparently I had Apple Care.

Everything else has been going well except that now my cell phone stopped working. I’m not exactly sure why, but hopefully I can get it fixed soon. It’s crazy to see how much I depend on and use my phone, and not having that sure has had an impact!

About three days ago I bought a new camera. A couple of my Korean friends are photographers, and they always rave about a certain camera- over the new and digital- they say their favorite is the Contax G2. The G2 is an upgrade from the G1, but they have very similar features and functions, and perhaps most importantly the same lens line-up. So I went with the G1 (mostly due to price difference).

I am still learning how to use it, but for the most part it is very basic and simple to use. It is a film camera, a range finder, and produces some extraordinary image quality.

Last week I had the privilege to go to the Symphony. I love those types of things, and I am really trying to make a point to go more often. One of my friends father works for one of the largest TV broadcasting companies in Korea, and past the tickets on to me, free of charge! So not only was it a great show, but it is was a cheap night!

1 comment:
Hi Kyle ~
I just looked at your pictures again and spotted YOU in the first one in the mirror! Cute! I hadn't caught that the first time around.
As always, the kids are so sweet and seem to be so happy. Is it just how they are, or is it your teaching style making them so happy? I like seeing your classroom and your chicken scratching on the blackboard - who would ever have thought!!??
Speaking of rooms - are you going to post pictures of your apartment soon? I am curious to see where you are living this time around.
Talk to you soon.
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