Here are some highlights from the first roll of film from my G1. It is amazing how much longer it takes me to go through 36 pictures on film vs. 36 digital. I could blow through 36 digital shots in 2 minutes...but this roll lasted me over two weeks!

Most of you might not even be able to tell the difference between these shots and my the ones from my other camera, but some of you may. The lens on my G1 is absolutely phenomenal, and the camera itself if great. I am really excited to keep shooting with it now that I have seen some results. I really love the tones and raw feeling with this camera and film.

As you can see most of the shots are of the same few kids (and the same is true with other posts). It is as simple as some kids are just more photogenic than others, and they are usually the ones that produce the best pictures! They just can't seem to get enough of having their picture taken.