Thursday, June 05, 2008

169) Pics of Me!

Here are some recent pictures of me. Recently I have started modeling! This weekend I have two more photo shoots coming up, and then a big one soon! So get ready for some more pics in the near future!


Eric Habermeyer said...

Oh my goodness. No one, I repeat no one can do the "I-gonna-rip-your-head-off-with-my-half-unbuttoned-shirt-and-sweetly-crafted-hair-style" look like you. You were born for this. And I must admit laughter turns to awe, because you are beautiful.

tonight at noon said...

have to agree with eric... laughter turns to awe... very coo shots, kg

Mom01 said...

My favorite is the one of you in the white jacket - it best reflects the Kyle I know and love!

Hope you keep this up ~ very fun to see these!
