Monday, March 24, 2008

165) The One Week Mark

It has now been one week of being back in Korea. Things have not gone to plan, but this is to be expected in Korea. To avoid boring you with the details the basics of the story are these-
I got in last Monday, and was supposed to be able to move into the apartment on Tuesday. Tuesday rolls around and then by Wednesday I figure out there was no apartment. On Thursday I learn they already found one. On Saturday I find out they found one the size of a large box. Saturday is also the day I refused to move into that apartment. Sunday found me searching for a new apartment, and finding a great one, but not being able to sign it that day because the owner was weary of me and the company paying. Monday, the one week mark, brought my first day of work. It also brought the signing of the great apartment. And if things go as planned (…) Wednesday will be the day I move into the apartment. Hopefully some pictures will be posted soon.

1 comment:

tonight at noon said...

did you get it?