Today I didn’t have the energy to make the trek to the west side of the island yet again, and I was optimistic the rain may let up. So after some failed attempts (failed because it was so humid my lens fogged up, and refused to un-fog) to take pictures of and around the hostel, I decided to head to Volcano National Park and spend some time there. (I only got the one picture from the hostel- below- it's of the toilet, sink and shower area)

About two miles down the road I encountered a roadblock, and spent about 45 minutes trying to get back to the road I needed. Still optimistic about the weather and park I continued on my way. The civil defense service announcement on the radio put an end to my optimism this time. It was another flash flood WARNING, so not wanting to be stranded on the road and miss my flight, I finally scrapped the volcano trip.

With a few hours to waste I decided to check out a river I saw the other day that was running wild and swollen (reference the above picture). After spending some time there, I got the idea to check out Rainbow Falls, as I heard it was running massive. It sure was. I could tell these rivers were completely out of control without even having the reference of seeing them during normal flow. Perhaps you can from the pictures as well.

While at Rainbow Falls (above), I met a man who asked me if I had seen Akaka Falls (below) yet. Not even knowing what it was, I was intrigued. He said he was heading there soon, and I could follow him. It was a beautiful and huge falls reminiscent of a scene from Jurassic Park.

I was waiting for the pay off from all the rain and flooding, and knew it would probably be in the rivers, if I could get to them. These are some links with pictures of what the falls normally look like: http://www.letsgo-hawaii.com/rainbowfalls/ http://www.letsgo-hawaii.com/akakafalls/
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