Sunday, November 18, 2007

124) Natural Light

(This girl is about as cute as they come, and she repeats everything I say!!!)

Two of the classrooms in this building get just beautiful natural light coming in through the windows. There are several beautiful Ginko trees that are golden yellow, and filter the light to produce shots like these! I have been meaning to get some shots with that light for a while.

(^ Another really cute girl, and she always has a great attitude)

(^ This boy is very smart, and always tries to make conversation with me- amazing considering he is 2!)

(^ Great boy)


Dave Anjema said...

really cute kids eh! getting closer to the departure eh?

tonight at noon said...

how are the dimples on that second one from the top... little heart melters in this bunch. need to get in touch before you return to the fat of the land.