This is probably the last picture I will post from out my window. I have to move to a new apartment, which I am not at all happy about! I have really enjoyed to view from these windows.
Finally after a very hot and humid few weeks the weather has really cooled down! It was the kind of weather that caused you to sweat just walking outside for a few minutes. Usually I am the type of person that likes hot weather, and indeed I would have liked this weather if I was in a tropical place, the Bahamas, Cambodia, etc. but not Seoul. Not a pleasant way to start your day…sweating on the way to work.
Nothing too noteworthy this week besides the weather, and one great day in with the pre-kindergarten kids. I have been planning on bringing my camera to the school for a while, but have either forgotten, or decided not to. I was surprised to find it was going to be an un-official picture day on Friday. The Korean teachers took pictures of me with every class, and every kid. It was really cute how some of the kids were a little bit unsure on whether or not they could touch me, and some kids just climbed all over me. I hope to get some of the pictures soon (as they were not taken on my camera). I will probably bring my camera in there soon, and get some pictures of my own.
Last night I planned on going out, but took a nap that turned into an all night sleep. I actually really like it when that happens! Today I just went in for a work out at the gym, and then relaxed and listened to the rain in the sun-room, and read. I am actually kinda happy to spend the day home, doing nothing- because I finally had a Saturday with nothing to do and I will be out of this apartment soon.
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