I recently bought a 50mm lens. I have been meaning to do so for a while, but just never got around to it. The pics are from the new 50, and were taken in some of my classes today.

I have also been meaning to tell this little story, but never got around to it. The other day while Kevin (one of my friends and co-workers) and I were out for dinner, we saw the cutest little girl. We were at a pretty big sit-on-the-floor restaurant, and shortly after we sat down I noticed the little girl. She kept looking over at us, and sort of crawling towards us. She was two or three years old- and still figuring out how walk. Eventually her parents let her come over by us, and first she just waved, and said “hello” in Korean. Then she ran away, and eventually came back again. This time she came equipped with an adorable little surprise for us- a song. It took her about 15 minutes of starting, then falling over in laughter, and then standing back up, and starting again, only to fall back down after the first two words, to finally finish the song. When she finished she bowed, and then ran back to her parents, falling along the way. It was really funny and so sweet.

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