Like the last trip, this one had its own challenges. The biggest problem being how to figure out how to change my return flight to Korea. The secondary problems were being in Japan for three days while only enough money for one day- and not being able to get money out of an ATM.

My flight left at 9:40 am, and I couldn’t pick up my passport until 9:30 am. That was conveniently planned to leave me 10 minutes to make the 45 minute journey to the airport, check-in and go through the whole airport process… not the best planning. So after a nightmare of a time trying to figure out how to change a flight, I figured it all out. Then I had some tight budgeting to figure out. I was only supposed to stay for 1 day and 1 night, leaving early the next morning. So I had about $100 set aside for fees, transportation and accommodations, and 100 for spending. That would have worked almost perfectly, had I not had to take more trips to the airport and spend an extra night and nearly two extra days.

I do not want to sound like I am complaining. I had a good trip, and like I said, I love Japan. I met a guy named Trevis at the Korean embassy, and we hung out the whole trip. He had been to Osaka before, and knew where to stay, and had a bit of a plan of his own. We stayed in a capsule hotel, which was really awesome. The hotel was 5 floors, three of which were dedicated to the capsules. One floor had a fantastic sauna, and the one of the others had a massage area, tv lounge, and restaurant. The bizarre thing was, that there were women workers and cameras though out the place- this is bizarre because it is a men’s only hotel, and naked men everywhere. But no one seemed to care at all, so we tried not too.

We also took a day trip to Kyoto, because Trevis had heard it was extremely beautiful. After wandering around for a while, we came upon some temples in the mountains, and quickly realized it was a huge tourist destination- although mostly Japanese tourists. It was pretty cool, but in the end we think we didn’t really see the real beauty of Kyoto, and didn’t have the time to try, so we headed back to Osaka that afternoon. All and all it was a nice little trip to Japan, and a nice break from school.
Below are pictures from Kyoto-above are pictures from Osaka.