Friday night after work John and I headed south to Jiri Mountain. We finally got in and met up with two of John’s buddies from college at around 4 am. We spent the night in a “hotel” of sorts- it was really just a room with a tv, some blankets and pillows and a bathroom.

I was worried that we were going to get rained out, as it had rained all Friday. But when we headed out at around 9 am it was just really cloudy and misty- which I enjoy while hiking. It always makes me feel like I am traveling through some unknown land, or a dream or something.

This mountain was great because it was the furthest away from civilization I have felt in Korea. In reality it cannot compare with the remoteness I have been in while in some of the National Parks and Forests of the US, but it was still great and brought back some nice memories.

It was particularly nice to hear only the sound of a rushing river for hours- I really miss the nights I have spent in my tent next rivers- exhausted and still a bit hungry, but fully content with the place I was.

I always remember little bits and pieces from all the various backpacking trips I have taken while hiking or backpacking. It is like a dream or déjà vu. Vivid glimpses into the past. I love getting into the place where nothing else matters, nothing else exists, it is just me and nature.

As it turned out, Saturday, the day we hiked, saw no rain, just beautiful fog and clouds, and the occasional glimpse of sunlight. We got down just as it was getting too dark to safely hike anymore. We had a small dinner at one of the restaurants attached to our hotel, and then cooked up some samgipsaw (it is like think bacon) in our room and ate until we could take no more.

The next morning we woke up to rain. It rained the whole way back home- but I didn’t mind. I enjoyed seeing the mountains through the low clouds, it reminded me of my summers in Olympic.

Nice, Kyle ~ I'm glad you got a good hike in ... I know how you love that! Beautiful pictures ~ not that unlike a scene here in the States ... very pretty!
I was hoping to see a picture of your new hairstyle ~ but it's all covered up in the picture you posted! Dang-it anyway.
What does it say on the boulder?
BEAUTIFUL shots Kyle! WOW, it was sure pretty there! Enjoyed the photos! Teri
Hey Kyle have you considered putting your photos on Flickr? It is a great photo community. I just started there and I am looking to get more of my pics up after spring break next week.
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