Today was Adam’s last day at our school. Him and I were the only two full time foreign teachers at the school (while I have been here). I’m sad to see him go, as we have hung out often in the last couple months, and he has made my work days go by fast and fun. All around he is just a great guy- and all the kids loved him. I will certainly miss his generosity, friendship and great attitude! The last two days I have been having the kids in my classes make him cards (most of them have had Adam as a teacher). Some of the older kids seemed pretty sad, and wrote him some really great notes and cards.
There was a sort of sad and slightly weird atmosphere in the school today. Generally the some of the kids were in a weird mood today. I don’t know if it was because of Adam’s leaving or what, but there were a couple weird and funny comments in three of my classes today. The first came from an incredible class that Adam and I share. The kids just got out of kindergarten last month and can carry on full conversations and read very well. Pretty impressive considering this is the third language for some of them. Anyways, I was bent over correcting one of the kid’s homework when one of the girls started tapping me on the butt trying to get my attention. One of the other girls in the class yells out “Kyle… she’s touching the bum!”
The second one came from a pretty fun class of mine while rehearsing a conversation/speech. The line was “Oh really? What did you do, Song?” but it came out as “Oh really? I want to do you, Song!” The kids had no idea the meaning it had to me, but they laughed just as hard as I did.
And the last came in a class that has a couple troublemakers. I really try to get this class to only speak in English, and the good students really but out a good effort at it. One of the girls had enough of one of the boys speaking in Korean, and told him “Shut up! Shut up the mouth!”
This page has grown from a travel blog to largely a collection of photos and some short stories. If you are interested in using or having any of the photos please contact me. Enjoy.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
73) Sex Bomb
Every once and a while there is a video or movie that really inspires me to be something. For instance- Zoolander made me want to be a male model, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon made me want to learn martial arts. Finally there is a new aspiration, and it is thanks to Evgeny Plushenko.
Monday, March 05, 2007
72) Jiri Mountain

Friday night after work John and I headed south to Jiri Mountain. We finally got in and met up with two of John’s buddies from college at around 4 am. We spent the night in a “hotel” of sorts- it was really just a room with a tv, some blankets and pillows and a bathroom.

I was worried that we were going to get rained out, as it had rained all Friday. But when we headed out at around 9 am it was just really cloudy and misty- which I enjoy while hiking. It always makes me feel like I am traveling through some unknown land, or a dream or something.

This mountain was great because it was the furthest away from civilization I have felt in Korea. In reality it cannot compare with the remoteness I have been in while in some of the National Parks and Forests of the US, but it was still great and brought back some nice memories.

It was particularly nice to hear only the sound of a rushing river for hours- I really miss the nights I have spent in my tent next rivers- exhausted and still a bit hungry, but fully content with the place I was.

I always remember little bits and pieces from all the various backpacking trips I have taken while hiking or backpacking. It is like a dream or déjà vu. Vivid glimpses into the past. I love getting into the place where nothing else matters, nothing else exists, it is just me and nature.

As it turned out, Saturday, the day we hiked, saw no rain, just beautiful fog and clouds, and the occasional glimpse of sunlight. We got down just as it was getting too dark to safely hike anymore. We had a small dinner at one of the restaurants attached to our hotel, and then cooked up some samgipsaw (it is like think bacon) in our room and ate until we could take no more.

The next morning we woke up to rain. It rained the whole way back home- but I didn’t mind. I enjoyed seeing the mountains through the low clouds, it reminded me of my summers in Olympic.

Thursday, March 01, 2007
71) Field Trips

Last week and this week I was able to take some kids on a field trip. We went to an area called Insa-dong. I had never been there before, so it was pretty cool to see. It is a pretty hot tourist area, so there is enough stuff to do, such as shopping and there are some temples and museums. The first time I took two boys, Eric and Kevin. They were great, and I was really happy to be able to go with these two boys. There were some statues and paintings of topless woman- and every time they spotted one they would get me to look at it, and then start laughing and pointing at me. The school director gave me more money than I could spend, so we had a great lunch, and I bought the boys some gifts.

The second time I went with four girls. I have three of them in one of my classes, so I already knew and liked these girls. They are great kids to have and class, and I was happy to be able to have fun with them on this field trip. It was funny to see the difference between the boys and girls. The girls really wanted to shop and look in the stores, while the boys just wanted to run around and have fun.

^ this is Jane- she wasn't too happy about this picture...
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