2006 was easily my most traveled year, I saw six different countries in ’06. Below are some photo highlights from this past year. Some of these are pictures that you have seen before, and others will probably be new ones for most of you. The captions are below each picture- not above.

After a snowfall in Wisconsin.

Great Smokies, USA.

This was taken in one of Kentucky's many and beautiful caves.

From the Smokies.

Another river picture from the Smokies.

A small stream in the Smokies.

A flower from the Himalayas.

From a temple in the foothills of the Himalayas.

Sunrise in the Himalayas.

Taken while we waited for a landslide to be cleared from the road in India.

Taken near a holy site in the Himalayas.

Roof tops in a mountain town.

A night shot of a suburb of Seoul.

From my first school- a low level class, but a lot of fun.

Taken from the Seoul Tower.

This was taken in Bundang, Korea.

Same class as pictured above.

The Fukuoka Tower, in Japan.

From a temple in Japan.

Lotus flower taken in Japan at a botanical garden.

Taken at a similar location as the Fukuoka Tower photo.

This was taken at an ethnic minority village on the Mekong.

On the Mekong River in Vietnam.

On the Mekong delta in Vietnam.

Angkor Wat sunrise in Cambodia.

A little Cambodian girl at a remote temple South of Phnom Penh.

A boy in one of the markets near my guesthouse.

A friendly Monk at Angkor Wat as the sun was setting.

At one of the "Killing Fields" in Cambodia.
Do I hear calendar????
Nice recap, Kyle.
I wanted to ask, what equipment are you using? Camera, lenses, do you use a tripod... the technical stuff.
Also what is your thought process when you take a specific photo into photoshop?
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