On Tuesdays and Thursdays I teach a one on one class with a kindergarten girl named Kelly. This little girl can make even my worst day great. Lately in class she has been insisting that I call her “Kyla” because it is close to “Kyle”. She has also started leaving me little notes and jokes in her homework (because every class before we get started I check her homework). One day one of the questions was “Who is your favorite teacher?” and she wrote “Kyle Teacher”- then I asked her to guess who my favorite student was and she said “Oh- I don’t have to guess, I know it is me!” She is full of cute little things like that.

It is really amazing how smart she is. I have her write a journal for each class, and she comes up with fantastic little stories about animals getting married, or princesses, or me and her. The last two classes when I have given her some free time she has drawn a card on the board for me with a story in it. Both times she mentioned that when she gets older she is going to marry me!

Someone suggested that perhaps her mother is helping her, but she writes me little stories during class too, and for her age they are really impressive. I would say she is about as smart in English as an American child 3 to 5 years older than her- she is learning stuff in our class that is not easy for- I can’t imagine what it must be like for a 6 year old.