M2 is the club that David is the manager at. Myself, and more recently Amber have been frequenters of M2, it is a great house music club in Seoul. There has been many a wild night there, and before I left David got me a press pass so I could take pictures there.

My last weekend in Korea, David was in charge of setting up the party at M2, so he got the DJ's and made all the arrangements etc. Copyright (DJ's Sam and Gavin) are who David got to come. So on Thursday night we all went out to eat, then shopping, then a little early morning drinking. Friday was the day they performed, so during the day they went shopping again, and then I met them at Namsan (Seoul) Tower. Later that night we went to eat, and then Amber met David and I at Liquid, and we chilled there until Copyright was about ready to go on. It was a pretty great night!