I just got back from a trip to Sen Monorom, which is sometimes called “the Wild East”. According to some sources “Provincial capitals don’t get more remote or inaccessible than Sen Monorom”. This is a land where tigers still roam, and tribal villages exist much the same way they have for hundreds of years. So, naturally I loved the idea of traveling there. I really had no plan going into this side trip, and actually I had not planed on going to Sen Monorom at all. I started out by traveling to Kratie, and intending to just stay there (the sunset pictures are from Kratie). But one thing led to another, and eventually I met some Ausies who turned out to be great people, and offered for me to come along on their elephant trekking trip. I agreed to their offer and the next thing I knew I was in the jungle on the back of an elephant. The elephant proved to be extremely uncomfortable so I eventually decided to just walk, which was a lot nicer for me. The trip was great, this area of the country is full of beautiful rolling hills with prairie on top, and jungle in the valleys. The sound of the cicadas, crickets, birds and river mixed in with views of the lush green life of the jungle to create a great stimulous for the senses. The other nice part about this area was it was a lot cooler. The nights and early mornings were pretty cool, and the days were hot, but nothing like in other areas of Cambodia.

So you waiting to go on this after I left?! What a guy. :) Oh well, I guess I'll be heading back to Cambodia at some point! I think that's the first waterfall I've seen from Asia, though... so that had to be cool.
Boy, Kyle ~ how fascinating! I am sitting in a high-rise hotel in downtown Chicago overlooking the river with Christmas lights sparkling on all of the trees lining the city streets; lights from buildings reflecting in the river; sirens blaring; people, cars and busses everywhere!! Truly a world apart!
I love the picture of the thatched roof house with the kids on the "porch" and the dog and chicken running around ~ very, very cool picture!
How long was your elephant trek? Were the elephants treated kindly? Where did you sleep on this trip - what did you eat?
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