One of my favorite things about interacting with people from foreign places is listening to them talk. In the past when talking with my friends from different countries, I remember hearing some interesting sentences and phrases to try to explain something. Most of the time these words, phrases, or sentences are funny, but make a lot of sense when you think about it. For example, one of my Korean friends was trying to teach me the Korean word for full (as in “that was a lot of food, I am full”) and the word for hungry. I could not remember either of these words for the life of me (and still cannot). Eventually she had enough and told me “I think you have an eraser stuck in your head!” Once I asked the kids in one of my classes if they knew what a moustache was. One responded with the explanation “It is like fur for your nose.”
Below are some pictures from my two kindi classes. Billy suggested that I really start taking a ton of pictures, because soon I will miss the children, and wish I had the pics. And I know he is right. So hopefully I will be adding lots of pictures of these kids for the next two weeks- hope you all enjoy!

Ruby and Jennifer ^

Will ^


Arnold ^

Sean ^

Reo ^

Sean ^

Reo, Molly, Alice ^

Alice ^
So beautiful man... can't wait to see more. I still miss those kids so much... the one's that I had before leaving Swaton last year. Keep using your gift Kyle, immerse yourself in the beauty that is your talent, and don't take any shit from those people any more.
It's almost over brother, almost over.
you mean "beagopah" for hungry? Or however the transliteration works. Unbeknownst to me, my Korean girlfriend used to teach me baby words because she, and her friends, thought it was cute when I spoke. They'd all start clapping and be saying, "Ahh, jinja keyopta ahge!" Or something like that...translation: what a cute baby!
actually it means "you better be quiet before I slap you"!
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