I made them a movie and showed it to them in class today. It was a sort of picture collage set to music. I put pictures of their nicknames and then pictures of them that I had taken throughout my time at the school (nicknames like “Apple Alice” or “Molly Mouse”). They loved it, and it was actually pretty tough for me to watch with them- just because I knew I would miss them so much, and their reactions to the movie were so sweet. They all made me cards and gave me hugs before they left, and told me they loved me. It was pretty tough to walk out the door today knowing I would probably not see these kids again.
Two days ago I told one of my favorite classes that it was going to be the last time I would be teaching them (the kids are 12 years old, and the class meets 3 times a week, every other day, but there are two teachers for the class, and it rotates every other class, so I only had them once this week). When I told them, Christina, Olivia, Heidi and Jenny got pretty upset and pleaded with me not to leave (those four girls are the reason for me loving the class). They became more at ease when I told them I would see them on Friday (today). I was planning on making them some sort of gift before I left, just because I loved them so much. I ended up making them each a DVD full of music (because sometimes we talk about music in class, and often times when I come in they are listening to their mp3 players). Before I could leave the office to find them today, I saw them waiting outside the door. I was surprised with a small arsenal of gifts from them. Origami, sweet notes, drawings of me and them, money, candy and little crafts they made! It was so sweet!! I gave them their gifts and told them we didn’t have to say good-bye now, but we could do it after our classes (because they have the last time slot of the day). So after everything was over, I went out to try to find them. They were waiting by the door again, all of them looking sad and Christina was crying. Apparently she wouldn’t do anything in class today, and the rest of the class was pretty unresponsive as well. It was a tough good-bye, and the owner had to drag them away as I assume they had already missed their busses. By the time I got home I had emails awaiting me from them.
It is kids like these that make teaching the most rewarding thing I have ever done. I am just sorry that I was not at a school I could stay at.