In all likelihood my friend Chip is going to be coming out to Korea in a month or two. Chip is a college friend of mine, has red hair, has an awesome name, and is just a great guy in virtually every capacity. We traveled to India together in May, and had a great time, and now the prospect of him coming out here has really excited me.
We have been emailing each other about five times a day for the past two weeks or so. I don’t want him to end up in Korea just to find he made the same mistakes I did. Especially when I have some “insider knowledge” of the place now, and have the ability to visit schools and neighborhoods on his behalf.

This is a story Chip sent me the other day in an email, I thought it was funny and worth posting.
“I wanted to add a few memories from our trip. I started thinking about them the other day and I started laughing. Ok, picture this... two red-headed pure-breeds are walking down a dark, back alley in Delhi, hidden behind a backdrop of three
story shacks just outside the major industrial complex of the main Delhi plaza, and a crowd begins to form, not necessarily around the two, but watching them as two young ladies make an advance, and begin mentioning words in Hindi to the two vanilla brothers, mumbling what the two knew had to be sexual comments, but could not understand. Utterly oblivious to the situation until that point, the two hombres begin to look around and survey the goings-on... Dark alley, prostitutes, gathering crowds, no way out, no other foreigners... kind of a Black Hawk Down situation seems to be brewing. With that in mind the two begin a hasty, but generally calm stroll toward the nearest, more populated street. Having emerged from what could have been an otherwise dreadful experience, the two blokes reminisce of what it would have been like to lay rotting in that back alley, smothered by rats and countless diseases, at which point they would have exclaimed "and these were the same people who paid me illegal booze just to watch us dance in the streets of that avalanche highway!" With that thought fresh on their mind, the two plan their next adventure and
wonder... what will the Koreans do?!”

At our friends wedding. ^
“PS, you might want to start practicing getting freak-nasty regarding
the club/night life scene... 'cause don't forget, the Royal Red
Rendezvous is coming soon to a Seoul near you...”

^ This is Chip dancing in the street in India- the road got blocked by a landslide earlier that morning.
By the way- the “pure breeds” comments are references to Zoolander, and all the red-head talk is an inside joke of sorts. You can see his website by clicking on the link on the left.
Hey Kyle,
Have to make sure that we hang out with Chip for sure... sounds like a cool dude.... nothing like yourself.... just joking.... not!!!!!!
Bare arsed and naked walking around in your underpants in the variety store....haha.
yeah, it's the real deal, folks. prepare ye yourselves, for the wrath of thine maker is coming to haunt you soon, in true form and likeness: the pure bred duo. i leave thee no other recourse than to sit back and enjoy ye thine ride!
(if you speak in old KJV english it makes you sound cooler, and much more like a thug... i think hansel tried it.)
chip doesn't even exist... look at the pictures, it's kyle's alter ego... the pure red duo my ass... i'll be believe it when I slap it.
I'm glad you'll have a friend here that's your age Kyle...(sniff..sniff)
remember what you said about your cool friend "Chip",...."It'll be really cool to have someone my own age around here"! right in front of me Kyle!!!! You got a slap comin from more than just me!!!
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